Saturday, November 23, 2013


Meal Menu Idea:
Grilled Flank Steak
Grilled Onions
Roasted Sweet Potato Fries

Photo credit:

Paleo / Whole 30 compliant

2-3 white or sweet yellow onions
Olive oil

* Peel outer layer from onion and discard.  Slice onions into thick  rounds; do not separate the rings.
* Drizzle olive oil over onions.
* Place onions on the grill grate over medium coals.  Cover and allow to cook; turn once.
* Remove onions when they are softened yet crisp.

Serve with grilled 'beast' of your choice and steamed asparagus with melted ghee.

Recipe shared by Dr. L. Hruska
Taste.  Enjoy.  Pass it on!