Saturday, November 23, 2013


Meal Menu Idea:
Grilled Pork Chops
Grilled Sweet Peppers
Easy Cucumber Pickles
Photo credit:

Paleo / Whole 30 compliant
Sweet peppers, any color
Olive oil

* Wash sweet peppers.  Cut off the top and slice the pepper away from the white membrane and seeds.  You will end up with 2-3 pieces per pepper. Save the pepper slices & discard the seeds.
* Or skewer smaller peppers and roast them whole, removing the bitter seeds after grilling; this is better if you are using peppers in a sauce or stew.  
* In a large bowl, drizzle olive oil over the peppers & stir to coat.
* Place peppers directly on the grill grate over medium coals.
* Cover and cook until softened.  Turn peppers once and cook to desired tenderness.

**Serve piping hot with meat of your choice.
** Refrigerate leftovers.

Recipe: w.lynne
Taste.  Enjoy.  Pass it on!