Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today, we have a guest post from KJ at 'Eats, Sweets and Sweats'.  The author is a professional strength and conditioning trainer working in St. Louis at the Fitness Edge.  A Kinesiology major with emphasis in nutrition, she is very knowledgeable yet writes with a down to earth, easy to read language.  You can follow her blog at


There is nothing quite like rising from your slumber to the smell of fresh coffee brewing in the morning.  For some, this is a necessity that cannot be forfeited, for others,  coffee is an occasional treat.  Whether it is your vice or not, consider a cup of 'joe' for its compelling health benefits.  For those coffee lovers and avid exercisers out there, this is good news!  Coffee can actually improve your performance during endurance exercise, anaerobic exercise and weight training.

TiP #1: Drink Coffee BEFORE you exercise, NOT AFTER.  
Coffee raises your cortisol levels, which is helpful before you exercise because cortisol is a stress hormone that is elevated during exercise (especially endurance events).  Coffee provides energy due to caffeine and can increase your work capacity when lifting weights, or your energy levels when performing sprints or long distance running.  

Coffee contains antioxidants which can decrease oxidative stress and reduce inflammation within your cells.  Simultaneously, it improves the cell's insulin sensitivity, which can help keep your metabolism in check and prevent diabetes. 

A cup or two of coffee a day is one of many things you can do to decrease your risk for developing diseases such as Alzheimers.

In short, coffee is not the magical solution to weight loss, but it can be used it in moderate amounts to start off the morning or before you exercise to give you an extra boost.

Tip #2:  Buy Organic Coffee
Why, you ask?  Coffee is on the top of the list of foods to 'go organic' because the ENTIRE bean is consumed.  Foods with thicker skins that are removed prior to consumption (like bananas) are much less of a concern in regards to the amount of pesticides entering the body.  However, because coffee beans do not have a thick skin that is removed, and the entire bean is ground up, buying organic is strongly recommended!  My favorite comes from Trader Joe's.

Tip #3: Enjoy It
Whether your meeting a friend, starting your morning off right, or having a pre-workout boost, enjoy each sip of your coffee!  It is a beverage many of us take for give a little thanks as you sip!