What is all the hoop-la about Paleo??
The Paleo Diet/Lifestyle is based on documented scientific research of paleolithic societies and mimics the types of foods our ancestors ate prior to the Agricultural Revolution. Think: Hunter/Gatherer! The foods they ate include lean meats & game, fish and seafood, good fats, vegetables, fruits, a few nuts and seeds. All are high in the beneficial nutrients like soluble fiber, antioxidant vitamins, phytochemicals, omega-3 and monounsaturated fats and low-glycemic carbohydrates.
The nutrients in lean meats, fruits and vegetables promote good health and reverse many health problems by eliminating the source of dietary induced inflammation and acid base imbalance caused by refined sugars, grains, saturated and trans fats, salt, high glycemic carbs and processed foods. Paleo encourages people to replace dairy and grain products with fresh fruits and vegetables that frequently cause weight gain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and numerous other health problems. Calorie counting is not necessary, neither is portion control!
Seriously? What's not to love? My hunting/gathering skills may not involve a spear and a herd of wild animals... I am more limited to the meat/produce departments of local grocery stores, but I get the job done! :)
Paleo journey beginnings. The last straw. When I learned of my extensive food allergies I was dismayed and down right discouraged. As an athlete, I knew there was a connection between high quality foods and performance but helpful nutritional information was very limited (30 years ago). Thus, I began the hunt for foods I could eat rather than focusing on those which I could not eat. In a society filled with grains, dairy and processed foods it was quite a challenge.
Paleo has been a God send! I don't have to reinvent the wheel and go it alone! People across the globe are creating ethnic Paleo interpretations of their native cuisines and it is wonderful! Recipes are available online and in some amazing cookbooks. A shout of thanks goes out to many who have made a clear and easy path to follow. The best part: I am excited again about cooking some of the best food we have ever eaten! The journey of the past year has been a culinary adventure as we have experiment with ingredients new to us in recipes that are easy to follow. Delighted, I feel a renewed hope that food is more than just fuel... it can be fun, especially when shared with people you love!
Paleo is a lifestyle. It is not reserved for those with gluten or lactose intolerance, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, weight issues, heart disease, chronic and autoimmune illnesses, etc. It is for all those desiring to improve their health, maintain optimal weight, reduce the risk of disease and improve performance! Did I leave anyone out?
Good quality food is central to my quest in keeping the people I love... healthy, lean and strong. Delicious tasting food (that is time efficient) and does not require a culinary degree to prepare is mandatory in our busy household. As a mother of perpetually hungry teenagers, going Paleo requires planning ahead. Food is prepared in larger-than-usual batches and the leftovers are stored in the frig. for grab-n-go snacks. It's a healthier alternative to reaching for a prepackaged, overly processed, empty carb-loaded snacks! It is completely do-able on a budget! Cutting out the cruddy processed foods leaves a larger portion of the food budget for real foods!
Basic Paleo Guidelines coming up next time...
All photographs courtesy of google images and are shared solely for your enjoyment.