Thursday, September 5, 2013


Science Side Note:
Dr. Rui Hai Liu, a professor of food science at Cornell University suggests “You will get health benefits from consuming either raw or roasted nuts.”
Phenolic compounds in nuts “have high antioxidant activity and are able to quench free radicals that lead to cell damage and oxidative stress,” Dr. Liu said. “Nuts also have a very nice fatty-acid balance and are a good source of vegetable proteins. And they are linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease."

Walnuts have the most phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity followed by pecans... and peanuts (which are legumes - inflammatory - avoid them).  Pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts and almonds also have high levels.


Pick your nut... almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios or macadamias. 
* Spread them in a single layer on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.
* Leave the nuts plain or add a sprinkling of anything handy
(sea salt, pepper, herbs, cinnamon, cocoa powder,  cumin, chile pepper, etc.)  No added oil needed, nuts have enough of their own. 
* Bake at 325 degrees until they are light brown and fragrant, time ranges from 10-30 minutes depending on the amount of nuts.
* Stir the nuts occasionally to ensure even toasting.
* Remove baking sheet from the oven, enjoy the roasted nuts warm.
* Allow the nuts to cool and become crisp before storing them in glass containers.



Note: If you are chopping freshly roasted nuts, remember they have a great deal of oil that has been brought to surface by the heat.  The oil must be allowed to be reabsorbed.  Cool the nuts before chopping.

* Coarsely chopped nuts may be done by hand with a chef's knife.
* Finely ground or finely chopped nuts are easiest if chopped in a food processor.
* To ensure even chopping, place a small amount of nuts in the processor, and pulse quickly several times.
* Nuts have a great deal of oil, so it is easy to over-process them and end up with nut butter!  Add a touch of salt or honey to the nut butter, process again and enjoy as a wonderful part of a healthy snack, nut butter can be accompanied by meat, fruits or vegetables.