Friday, December 7, 2012



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Tips for Eating 'Clean' While Dining Out
How do we maintain and not gain?

Watch, Learn & Mimic.  Watch how 'clean' eaters dine.  Learn from them.  Put it into practice.  My husband and I have learned a few tips that helped us pick the best of the worst!  Can I just brag on him a bit?  Last Christmas, he didn't just 'maintain' but lost 2.5 lbs.!  With a few simple tips, eating 'clean' and making good choices when you are eating out can be a joy rather than drudgery.

3 TIPS to keep in mind while grazing the buffets at parties and reunions or when eating out. 

Scope out the feast and choose to fill up on protein first! How fun is that?  In fact, make it a point to consume protein with every meal or snack, starting with breakfast. Why?  Eating a protein loaded breakfast will help neurotransmitter balance throughout the day, which helps avoid overeating later in the afternoon and evening.  Protein is important for satiety, the feeling of being satisfied or full.  It also mitigates insulin response when carbohydrates are consumed and provides extra defense against weight gain. 

2.  THINK: 'COLOR'  
When the Christmas feast serves a buffet of creamy casseroles, buttery rolls and a table full of sweets to rival a bakery... it can be tough to decide what to put on your plate. Choosing foods to fuel your body will always help keep unwanted pounds away.  As much as possible, steer clear of grains, dairy and legumes.  Instead, choose colorful vegetables and fruits.  For example: A sweet potato is a healthier choice than white spuds smothered with butter, cheese or sour cream.  When in doubt go for COLOR!

Whole foods contain more fiber, satisfying hunger and require more enzymes to breakdown for absorption.  Processed foods absorb quickly with little 'fill-power' creating a scenerio for over indulgence on carbohydrates and sweets.

By all means, enjoy the occasional dining-out experience.  Eating out without guilt, stress or putting on weight is 100% do-able.  You will not destroy the benefits of 'eating clean' all week by enjoying a little bit of indulgence.  Once a week enjoy a free 'cheat' meal.  It is proven to be beneficial in curbing cravings and keeping you on the right track the rest of the week!  What a plan! 

Keep it simple.  Think PROTEiN, COLORFUL, WHOLE foods when eating out and keep moving! Exercise daily, play in the sun and sleep well.  You've got one life to live... live it well!

Author: w.lynne
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