Saturday, December 22, 2012


Bacon... It is the ultimate 'MEAT CANDY'!
Our family chooses it hands down as the best flavor enhancer in the meat case!  We will add it to eggs, soups, steamed and stir fried veggies, ground meats and the best part is almost anything can be wrapped in bacon... sweet potatoes, pineapple, asparagus bundles, chicken, brussel sprouts, etc.

A word on bacon.   Label terminology can be confusing.  Briefly, the meat should be 'uncured' and free of nitrates, nitrites, MSG and other preservatives that your body doesn't like or need.  'Natural' indicates what was done to the pig following its death (meaning no added preservatives).  However 'natural' generally indicates factory raised conditions rather than a hog that is raised in a foraging, free range environment where it can enjoy its 'piginess'.  Your best options will have Uncured, USDA Certified Organic, Animal Welfare Approved or Certified Humane (Raised and Handled) on the label.

Photo credit:


2 medium sweet potatoes
1 lb. uncured bacon from foraged hogs  (thin sliced)

* Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
* Cut unpeeled sweet potatoes lengthwise into quarters.  Then cut each quarter into matchstick fries or thicker bites.
* Cut the package of bacon into thirds.
* Wrap each sweet potato bite with a piece of bacon and place cut side down on a parchment paper lined, stainless steel baking sheet.  If there are extra fries or bites left, place them on the sheet, too.  
*Bake the bites for approximately 20 mins. and the thicker bites for 35-40 mins.  Bites should be fork tender and the bacon crispy.

Serve as appetizers or as a side to any meaty meal.  Enjoy!

Recipe: w.lynne
Taste what's good and pass it on!